Donation Buttons on Kandle Website:  There are now two easy way to use electronic ‘Donate Buttons’ on the front page of the diocesan website


The first button is called ‘Parish Collections’.  This button allows a donor to donate to any of our parishes towards the Weekly collection or the Clergy Collection.  At the end of each month they money will be directly transferred to the local parish. 

The second button is called ‘Diocesan Collections’.  This allows the donor to support any of our Diocesan appeals and they are listed:  Retired Priests, Vocations, Missions, Peters Pence, Youth Ministry and Trócaire.

The donation system is easy to use and very secure.  Every donation will be receipted.


Donation Boxes in St. Mary’s Church

There are 2 collection boxes, marked “Church Funds” in the church. All donations are welcome and are much needed and appreciated. Boxes are secure and will be emptied daily.


Trocaire Boxes

On Sunday 7th of June and Sunday 14th of June, St.Mary’s Church will be the collection point for Trocaire Boxes and donations between 3-5 p.m. Finance committee members will be present to receive the boxes.